Cascading business KPIs

A great example of an organisation defining a set of KPIs for the business and cascading them down through the organisation.

The dashboards below show how those KPIs are used in different ways and at varying levels of detail.

The Business Overview to the left provides an on-one-page summary of some of those KPIs.

Click on the Business Overview to get interactive with Power BI


Our Enterprise BI solutions start with the deployment of our base solutions which accelerates the deployment time and reduces the cost for our clients. Before you know it you will have the business information you need at your finger tips with the ability to interact with and drill-down into that information on-the-fly.

We have invested in developing our base solutions so you don’t have to!

Below are a small selection of the types or dashboards and reports we could deploy into your business. They are delivered with Power BI and are interactive, give them a moment to load then click the image and the interactive version will load. Have a play around to get a feel for how Power BI makes your data come alive.

Business & Finance

Projects & Resourcing

Sales & Marketing

People & Development

Business & Finance

Make informed decisions with near real-time access to your business performance.


This business performance dashboard allows you to track your worked charge and invoiced revenue vs. your budget. You can slice between offices, cost centres and disciplines and easily track trends in your average hourly rate and inter-office working.

Combining this information with your revenue forecasts allows you to see the likley of meeting your budgets this month, this quarter or over a longer time frame.

KPI dashboards bring forward key metrics for your business and allow you compare metrics to previous performance.

And when you need to dive into the details we provide several financial analysis pages to explore your WIP, write-offs and debtors etc.

Projects & Resourcing

Increase project efficiency with project and resource information at your fingertips.


The project snapshot provides a one-page summary of all your and your teams projects with both key project data and flags for project health; financial and data quality issues. Right click on a project and drill-through to the detail behind the top-level metrics.

Monthly financials allows you to see the performance of your projects from a worked revenue, invoicing, cost and margin perspective with the ability to slice by multiple dimensions.

Taking a step up it’s easy to see the kind of work you are winning and delivering across a broad selection of your projects.

Standard data quality flags can be complemented with specific flags based on your business rules. The Data Quality page makes it easy for project managers to keep their data up-to-date and accurate.

Sales & Marketing

Close more deals with full pipeline visibility, sales productivity and success rates.


A simple view of your ongoing proposals allows you to see the proposals you have in the pipeline and what should be converting when.

Transformed into a revenue pipeline with the ability to slice the forecast across multiple dimensions,

Analyse your conversion to understand where you are converting successfully and where you have room for improvement. 

See where you are spending your sales time, on which clients or projects and by which team members.

People & Development

Improve productivity with insight into resource allocation, utilisation and capacity.


 Headcount and related reporting helps you manage your staffing pyramid and track your trends, employee turnover and employee productivity.

Utilisation reporting allows you to analyse your utilisation against targets or total time which automatically adjusts for leave and FTE to give you a true picture of productivity. You can slice this information by offices, cost centres, disciplines, roles and team to help you understand what you have overcapacity and constraints.

Capacity planning translates your revenue projection into FTE and compares it to your available chargeable headcount dynamically adjusting for historic leave trends and your average hourly rate per office/role.

Team leaders have their teams timesheets, utilisation and timesheet compliance information in one-place making it easy to see how they are using their time and take action to balance workload appropriately.